St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2/1 10th November


Wow! Another busy and fun filled week this week in P2/1. It was lovely to meet our families at parents night and to share all the great work we have all been doing.

This week we started our learning of Time. We worked so hard cutting up numbers and positioning them in the correct place on an analogue clock.

We also continued our learning of addition. P1 used the part part whole strategy for addition and P2 began to learn the strategy of compensation using ten frames and rekenreks.

In Literacy, P1 continued their learning of sounds focusing on k/ck and o. We have been working so hard to blend all our learned sounds together to make words. We all wrote a fantastic sentence by ourselves. P2 have focused on vowel digraphs ee and ea. They also wrote a fantastic description of their ideal new pet.

This week we went out into the playground and litter picked as parts of our learning on Rights. We had lots of fun.

For P.E this week we loved playing timed games to see which team was the fastest and started to practise our throw and catch skills using beanbags.

We finished the week learning all about the Hindu celebration Diwali. We enjoyed looking at lovely photos of Rangoli patterns and practised some of our own henna patterns on hand templates.

Well done to Alexander for receiving the Hot Chocolate Award and to the Purple group for winning table points.


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