St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 2 Weekly Update – 3.11.23


It’s been a fun week in Primary 2!

On Tuesday, we had a whole class full of scary creatures but thankfully, they all returned to normal on Wednesday!

The children had a wonderful surprise on Wednesday afternoon, when we went to the hall to watch a fantastic Aladdin pantomime.

We did do some work too, we promise!  In Literacy, we have been learning about descriptive texts.  We looked at a piece of writing about ‘The New Girl’ and thought about what made it a good piece of writing.  We talked about the different parts of the text and learned about pronouns and adjectives.  On Thursday, the children wrote their own fictional piece of writing about a new child joining our class.  They did a brilliant job!

In Maths, we have been continuing to learn how to tell the time.  We looked at half past and discovered that when the big hand is at 6, that means it is half past.  The children also continued to learn and use their addition skills to answer questions.

Today we discussed firework safety and we hope the children now know how to keep themselves safe around fireworks, especially if they are holding sparklers.  Afterwards, the children made some beautiful pictures of what they think the fireworks will look like in the night sky.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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