Dear Readers,
We hope you have had a good week.
In Primary 5, we always have very busy and interesting weeks and these were the highlights of this last week:
- Our poetry writing, which was very creative and funny!
- Using the protractors and learning how to measure different angles. This has been so much fun that some of us just wanted to do it more and more! We have started by using chalk to measure the angles on our tables and then, when we felt more confident, we started measuring them on paper.
- Our Climate Smarter project has taken us to the very exciting field of electricity and we have had the opportunity to do a classroom audit of the energy we spent during a normal day and also worked out the electricity spent in our classroom during a whole year and how much is costs. It was very good because it made us all even more aware of all the things we can do to save energy. For example, now we always try to remember to turn off the smartboard during break and lunch time.
Our other lesson on electricity was absolutely amazing because we got our own kits to make an electric circuit and make a little light bulb or buzzer work! We were all successful and managed to do it without any help, just by thinking of what we have learned about conductors and energy sources! It was great!
- Learning about the history of the Angelus prayer, saying it with our prayer partners and understanding its meaning.
- The hockey tournament at Deans High School, where both P5 classes got to do their best! We have also been told that there are many available spaces for us in the Hockey after school club at Deans, in case we wished to join.
- We have all enjoyed our football taster session with coach Steve who said we had been really good!
- The beginning of our Rights Respecting Schools poster competition to advertise our anti littering campaign, not only in the school but also in important places of our community.♥
- That is all for now, we say goodbye wishing everyone a lovely weekend!
Mrs Valente and P5A