St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 27th October 2023


Ogilvie Bear has returned to our classroom after his adventures around the world. He brought us lots of postcards which we had fun looking at and discussing all the different things we could see in the pictures. We have now started our new topic all about Space. We learned about the Earth orbiting the sun and how we get day and night.

In Literacy, we have been learning the ‘t’ and ‘n’ sounds. We have been practising writing these letters correctly and also building words with the sounds we have learned so far. We loved watching Alphablocks to see letter ‘n’, he kept saying, ‘No!’ which made us all laugh. We have also been practising the sounds from the vowel house story and we are getting very confident with this. In writing, we wrote a sentence about the pumpkins that Miss Stebbing brought in. We did really well trying to use the sounds we could hear.

In maths, we used the pumpkins to do lots of measuring tasks. We ordered them from the smallest to the biggest and then we measured them using blocks and linking chains.  We have also been decorating them using the whiteboard pens and we wrote letters and words too.

In RE, we read the story of Abraham and Sarah. We then talked about how special our families are and drew a picture of our families in a love heart shape.

We had our first Outdoor Learning session in the Woodland and we learned all about the rules for the fire pit area. We then had some Choosing Our Own Learning time to explore the Woodland. We found lots of exciting things!

On Monday, we spotted a Fire Engine parked outside the school gates as the fire officers were in school to see the P6 and P7 pupils. We went out to have a look at the fire engine and one of the fire officers put on the lights and the siren for us. It was very exciting!

On Wednesday, we had a special PE session with the football coaches. We listened so well to the instructions and enjoyed playing the games during the warm up. We did very well scoring goals into the nets!

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Lewis – I enjoyed playing with the marbles.

Maksymilian – I enjoyed playing with the trains.

Peyton – I enjoyed playing with the marble run.

Tyler T – I enjoyed sitting on the logs at Outdoor Learning.

Maja – I enjoyed playing in the water.

Joseph – I enjoyed playing with the mini cubes.

Leah – I enjoyed playing outside in the Woodland.

Miss Stebbing – I enjoyed watching everyone making potions in our potion area. I had to try some of the potions and I was turned into a frog!

Well done to Peyton who is this week’s Hot Chocolate winner.


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