Dear Readers,
We hope you are all well and are keeping safe from this storm.
In P5A we have been so busy that we didn’t even have time to think about the weather!
These were the many highlights of our week:
- The introduction to our amazing new Science Project Climate Smart and all the learning about the different kinds of energy, how to generate electricity and how electrical circuits are made. This was only our first approach to this project that will hopefully cover terms 2, 3 and probably even a part of term 4.
- Going to Mass and praying the Rosary with the people of the Parish who very kindly welcomed us in the Church on Wednesday. It was a lovely experience and the whole children seem to have enjoyed it very much.
- Revisiting how to tell the time, which is still very challenging for many but really enjoyable for others. We will continue our learning about this during term 2.
- Finishing off our Shields from our previous topic of The Scottish Wars of Independence. They’re almost all finished and ready to be displayed in our class! Exciting!
- Our cards with Poems for the person of our choice – we have been trying our best to write poems by using words to describe our emotions regarding a special person. We hope you will enjoy these when they are ready.
- Our learning about the Glorious Mysteries and where to find them in the Bible – the whole class found it very interesting.
We congratulate our Hot Chocolate of the Week, Mr John, who has consistently been setting an amazing example of kindness, friendship and Respect for the School Rules!
Well done, dear John!
In the coming week, on Friday, the 27th, both P5 classes will have the opportunity to take part in the Hockey Tournament taking place in Deans High School and they are very excited about this!
That is all for this week, we say goodbye for now hoping that you have enjoyed reading our post and wishing you all a happy weekend!
Mrs Valente and P5A