St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 5B Weekly Blog 6th October 2023


We spent this week reflecting on the different childrens rights we have and how we know that we are getting them. e.g. in class we drink water and we can fill up our water bottles (article 24 a right to clean water) We also created posters to show the key things having rights gives us – LIFE, PROTECTION from harm,  PARTICIPATION (to join groups and share our opinions) and DEVELOPMENT (help to build our talents & skills as we grow up)





On Friday we had a fabulous collection across all classes for the local foodbank.








Layla also donated her preloved Halloween costumes. 

This week we have been practising our hockey skills, dribbling and passing. After the October break we will be building game skills before we take part in a hockey competition at the end of October.





Tomorrow is the final day for our Consecration to Jesus through Mary. Day 34with Bishop Keenan.

Thank you to everyone who has participated at home as well as in class. We will arrange a class mass when we come back from our holidays.

Have a great Holiday everyone. We will see you all on Tuesday, 17th of October.

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