St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2/1 Learning Highlights 6th October 2023


This week P1 have been learning the sound ‘p’. We have enjoyed colouring penguins, cutting out and sorting P and p letters and practising how to write p.   We worked hard on learning our word of the week ‘the’ and tried to use it in a talking sentence.  In writing we  wrote I can see the pink pig and we made some pppp popcorn it tasted delicious.

P2 have been learning about er and est and what happens when we add these endings to the word.  In writing we wrote about friendship and what a friend is.  We also worked on rhyming words.

In Maths and Numeracy we looked at tens and ones to 100 and numbers within 10.  We are  checking we have formed our numbers correctly.  We continued working on symmetry and are able to identify objects that are symmetrical and those that are not.

In Religion we have been learning about Mary and we are recalling the prayer Hail Mary.  We drew and coloured pictures of Mary.

This week Ogilvie Bear was in Japan.  We made our own Japanese Flag and found where Japan is on the world map.  We looked at traditional clothing and designed a kimono.  We looked at the Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama who makes art work using polka dots.  One of her famous pieces is pumpkins using polka dots.  We tried to create our own pumpkin art work using polka dots. They turned out very well.  We also learned how to count to ten in Japanese and we looked at the Japanese Cherry Tree and drew our own.

Congratulations to Daniel our Hot Chocolate at home winner this week.

We hope you have a wonder mid-term break and well deserved rest after working so hard your first term in P2/1.  We look forward to seeing you all again on Tuesday 17th October.

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