Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been another busy week for Primary 4!
In Literacy, we have been learning how to write instructions and this week we baked chocolate brownies! We discussed the ingredients used in the recipe and completed our plan. Next week we will write our own instructions.
During Numeracy lessons,we have been learning how to estimate the position of numbers on a number line. It was quite tricky!
In Technology, we have continued to learn about teams in preparation for doing our homework after the October break!
We enjoyed another NYCOS session, where we learned about different beats in music.
In Art, we created and designed our own baby dragons. They look amazing and they will go on our class novel wall display.
Our class started basketball this week and we have been learning about the different passes and how to dribble the ball. We all enjoyed this!
Congratulations to David on being our hot chocolate winner this week.
Have a super weekend.
Mrs Lea and Primary 4A