St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 2 – 29.9.23


This week Ogilvie Bear has been in Spain and Italy.  We have discovered where these countries are on a map, looked at their flag design, researched what they like to eat and learned some words from the language they speak.

In Literacy, we wrote senses poems all about Autumn.  We went outside for a walk around the school grounds to see what we could see, hear and feel in Autumn.  The children then used this information to write their poems.  We focused on using adjectives to make our writing more detailed and interesting to the reader.  Here are a few fantastic examples:

In Maths and Numeracy, we continued to look at place value with Mrs Brand.  We completed lots of symmetry activities with Mrs Craig, including making symmetrical patterns with Hama beads, painting symmetrical pictures and using loose parts to make symmetrical designs.

Huge congratulation to our hot chocolate Friday winner this week, Owen!  Owen has been working extremely hard, always ensuring that his work is presented beautifully and being kind and helpful towards others.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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