St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5A – 29.09.23


Dear Readers,

We hope you are all well.

Our highlights of the week were:

  • Our learning about the Scottish Wars of Independence, including why they have started, when that happened and who was involved. We have spent a big part of our week learning about this and have been finding it really interesting. The majority of us has spoken about wee Margaret, maid of Norway and of how impressed we were by what happened to her.
  • Our learning on the properties of 3d shapes and their nets, since we were finding it very challenging before but are beginning to enjoy it a lot!
  • Our revision on time, although it did show us that we will need to work a lot on this part of Maths!
  • Our Consecration Journey, since we are now beginning to understand the readings and how to use them as lessons for our life, also linking them to the Rights of the Child.
  • Drawing some leaves that we have collected focusing on their texture and colours.
  • Our guessing game about the planets, where we had to guess which planet it was by reading 3 clues. It was very fun!
  • Sharing our learning with our parents in the hall!
  • Doing PE with Mrs Callaghan and finding out about the hockey tournament in October.

Here are the you tube clips for the next two days of our Consecration Journey. It would be very good to watch them and to try and understand them during the weekend, if possible.

We say goodbye for now but only after congratulating Miss Pixie for being our amazing Hot Chocolate of the week! Well done, Pixie!!!!!!!!🥇🏆🥰🎉😀Keep being Ready, Respectful, Safe and Kind!

Have a wonderful weekend!

P5A and Mrs Valente😍

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