St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4b learning highlights 29th September 2023


This week in p4b we have been learning about Scottish inventors for our topic. The children started writing all about Scottish Inventors and also started researching the Alexander Fleming and John Logie Baird using the iPads. In numeracy, we started looking at estimating using a number line and estimating quantities using an interactive game on the smart board. They have also been continuing on with their times tables timing and doing the countdown challenge. In beyond number with Mrs Ross, the children were continuing with time.

In literacy, this week out spelling focus was ‘ilk’ the children have been given and started reading their new books in class. We have also read chapter 4 of ‘The Hodgeheg’ are did a story board in class today with the main events of the chapter. For RE this week, we have been looking at the liturgical calendar and the colours of the liturgical year, as well as looking at the Rosary with Mrs Ogunro. During PE, we played dodgeball on Tuesday and games on Thursday as the weather didn’t permit for hockey to be played outdoors.


Cohens favourite part of the week this week was when we had PE on Tuesday and played dodgeball. He enjoyed trying to be first to get a ball and throw it to the other side.

Amelia’s highlight this week was PE on Thursday when we played games outside. She likes playing ‘red light, green light’ and it’s her favourite game.

Flynn’s highlight of the week was when we played the estimation games on the smartboard during numeracy and we had a competition. He liked being timed and counting up points to see who had got the most.

Matthias’ highlight of the week was playing on Sumdog on the laptop during technology. He enjoyed playing the maths games and liked playing with his friends and against his classmates.

The hot chocolate winner this week is Aayush and our secret student this week is Alex.

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