St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3A Week Beginning 25th September


Hello P3A families,

First of all I would like to say how proud I am of your wonderful children for their fantastic assembly today!  Every one of them have worked hard throughout all the stages of the process; planning right through to performing.  Thank you for coming along to support your child.  For those who were not able to join us, your child had a P6 friend to join them for the activities afterwards.

Here are this week’s highlights from the Red table:

Tvisha loved displaying the fantastic pyramid she made for her Egyptians mini topic.  She confidently spoke of how she made it and answered any questions the children had afterwards.  Well done Tvisha!

Jack, like myself, said that the assembly was the best part of his week.  Jack had the final reading to do, which was the longest of all the readings.  He did himself proud.  Super job Jack!

Tadwia  liked our maths lesson on the importance of zero.  We have been exploring the value of larger numbers and what each digit represents.  The children have been reading and writing 3 digit numbers.  If we do not have zero in the correct place, it will be a different number!

Jiade enjoyed making Pharaoh death masks.  The children had to paint their mask in a pattern of blue and gold and glue a picture of their face on top.  We had some giggles as we took the pictures as the children tried not to smile.  This was a follow up of learning about Howard Carter’s discovery of King Tutankhamun’s tomb.

Zion said he liked the 3D shape hunt around the school and school grounds.  The children had to work in pairs to find objects of given 3D shapes and record them in a chart.

Grace liked our handwriting lesson where we grouped the formation of letters that began the same way.  This week we looked at letters that began with a curly c.  We discovered that a, o, d, g, and q all start this way so it is important we know how to form curly c correctly with the correct starting point and orientation.

I hope you all enjoyed the Sharing the Learning event this week.  It will be held again later in the year and of course you will get a chance to look at the jotters during Parent Consultations too.  After the October holiday, your child’s P2 jotters will be sent home.

Congratulations to Caleb, our hot chocolate award winner this week!



Mrs Brown





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