St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3A Week Beginning 11th September 2023


Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Blue table:

Rory has enjoyed the preparation for our upcoming assembly on the 29th   (date shared in newsletter).  It is all about friendship.  The children have been working hard to write the script themselves, produce the artwork and create dance moves to our songs.  Rory met the challenge of writing 8 sentences about what friendship looks like.  These ideas will feed into our script.

Caleb liked writing ‘oa’ words in oatmeal.  This week we have been learning about spelling patterns that make the long vowel o sound.  These are: oa, ow and o_e.

Alicja said she loved playing ‘Shape Corners’ as part of our learning about 3D shapes.  Congratulations to our 2 winners who managed to stay in the game until the very end!

Ollie has been enjoying our learning about the Ten Commandments.  He is part of the group who will make them on stone for our assembly.

My highlight was the discussion we had following a story about a little boy who was worried.  The children shared some of their worries and myself and the class gave the children some advice.

We welcome our new pupil, Ethan and hope he feels very welcome.



Mrs Brown


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