St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5B Weekly Blog 8th September 2023


Our highlights In P5B  this week have been developing our shooting and dribbling skills in PE. We continued to learn more about our emotions to build our resilience and confidence. Mrs Broadley has been teaching us more about Talking and Listening in Spanish. In Science we are researching information to create a powerpoint about the solar system, famous astronauts and technology in space. It’s fun but tricky as well.

We discussed Children’s Rights which exist to protect all children up to 18 years old. We discussed how two rights may sometimes conflict with one another eg article 12 having the right to ideas and opinions but having to follow rules they might not agree with (the right to be safe) eg not being on phones or devices except for specific tasks.

This week we have begun our Consecration Journey with daily prayers sessions. The Consecration journey will consist of 33 consecutive days of readings and prayers followed on the 34th day with a Mass of celebration in church. The links for Saturday and Sunday readings will be posted on Teams as well as this blog to enable access for families who wish to participate at home. 

Consecration to Jesus through Mary: Day 6, Bishop Keenan

Consecration to Jesus through Mary: Day 7, Bishop Keenan

Primary 5 A & B were very busy during our Outdoor Learning by planting bulbs around the school grounds which (fingers crossed) will be seen by everyone next Spring.

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