Dear Readers,
Welcome to our P5A Blog!
We hope you are all well and very much used to the idea that our ‘babies’ are already big Primary 5s!
This week has been a bit different because Mrs Valente has been ill and had to be off Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday but we are still going to try and tell you about the things P5a have loved the most about the week, the highlights:
- Many people said they absolutely loved planting bulbs with their P5B friends in the school grounds and they were so good at it that they came today in the morning and were able to write instructional texts about ‘How to plant bulbs’, so that anyone who doesn’t know can follow their texts to learn and actually do it!
- Most pupils have enjoyed our Consecration Journey where we start by praying the ‘Come, Holy Spirit’ prayer, followed by the daily reading, its discussion and then, the Rosary. We are becoming very good at praying the Rosary and have been enjoying it a lot.
- Playing basketball was also one of the week’s favourite activities and we will hopefully continue next week.
- Learning about really advanced 2d shapes, their names and properties was very interesting and the children were very good at them.
- The Tale of the Fountain of Fair Fortune was very much enjoyed and our Word Boost words from the week have been chosen by us from this interesting tale which has lots of tricky but wow vocabulary!
Regarding the 2 previous weeks, we would like to congratulate Miss Julia for having been the first Hot Chocolate of Primary 5 on the 25th of August!!!!!!
We would also like to send Miss Marie, who sadly had to say goodbye to us to move to another school in Edinburgh, all our love and all the luck for her new adventure! We know how lovely you are and are sure you will be much loved in your new school! Also, congratulations to Miss Marie for having been the 2nd Hot Chocolate of Primary 5, on the 1st of September! Well done!!!!!
We will let everyone know about our 3rd Hot Chocolate next week, since Mrs Valente will need to ask for some advice on that…
Here you can find the link to the Consecration Journey clips for days 6, Saturday, and 7, Sunday. It would be very good if you could help your child with the days they are not in school, including weekends and holidays, if possible.
That’s all for this week, we wish you all an amazing and sunny weekend filled with happiness!
P5A and Mrs Valente