St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 4A Learning Highlights 25/8/23


Dear Parents and Carers,

Primary 4 has had a busy week settling into new routines and working hard to add to our classroom displays. We are very proud of our ” Zones of Regulation” display which enables us to monitor how we are feeling every morning. Everyone is contributing to building our class charter display. There was also a big surprise on Monday afternoon when we were told that a company was coming to our school to perform Jungle Book. It was very exciting and enjoyable.

Literacy: We have been concentrating on improving our sentences and punctuating them correctly. We used a variety of pictures as a stimulus for our writing. We are reading  ” The Boy Who Grew Dragons”. So far we have predicted what will happen in the book, and illustrated our work with dragon pictures!

Health and Wellbeing: We have been learning about the ” Zones of Regulation” and the different emotions we can experience when we are in a particular zone.

Maths: We have been developing our knowledge of time.

Physical Education: We went outside for hockey and devloped our ability to dribble the ball without losing control!

Art: We created some bright pictures by drawing round our hands and creating a stained glass window effect.

Congratulations to Pola on being awarded our Hot Chocolate award this week.

We hope you have a super weekend.

Mrs Lea and Primary 4A



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