St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4b weekly blog post 16/06/23


On Monday, we went on a school trip.  We went to Muiravonside Country Park and it was so much fun!  We went on a bus and we were split into three groups.  Group 1 went pond dipping first, Group 2 went bug hunting first, and Group 3 went on a walk first.  Then, we swapped activities over the course of the day.  The walk was fun and we saw animals, we heard birds and the river, and we could smell the flowers.  We could also feel the hot air, which made us very sweaty!



Last week, Mrs Brown told us that her mum had mailed a package of bee things to show us.  We were so excited and today we got to see them.  We saw the glue the bees make (propolis), four bees (one drone and three worker bees), and two queen cells.  We also saw beeswax made into comb with a squashed bee on it (we didn’t like this part).

In maths, we looked at 2D and 3D shapes, co-ordinates and angles.  We went outside and in groups of three, we used string to make different angles.  We used chalk to draw the angle on the ground and then we identified them as right angles, acute angles or obtuse angles.  We also did a different task outside, where we had to follow Mrs Brown’s directions (using compass directions, turns and angles).  It was like a treasure hunt (but with no treasure L) and we went to different locations by following her directions.  We ended up outside P4a’s classroom- maybe they were the treasure?

In writing, we planned a recount about our trip and then we wrote it up.  We had to include powerful verbs, past tense, conjunctions, an introduction, a conclusion and write our events in time order.


Millie: I enjoyed learning about bees because we all got to see the bee things that Mrs Brown’s mum sent.

Ashley: I enjoyed the school trip because I liked the activities especially pond dipping.

Matteo: When I heard I was going on a school trip to Muiravonside Country park, I was determined to do different fun activities and the ones we did were very active and I loved seeing the different types of nature as well as the insects’ and animals’ lives.

Jude: I enjoyed the school trip because I liked doing pond dipping because it was the first time I had ever done it and it was cool.  My highlight was lunch because we got to play at the park and my least favourite thing was the bus ride back because we had to go back to school and it was roasting.

Well done to Mariam, our hot chocolate winner.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Mrs Brown

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