St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Week Beginning 12th June


Hello P2B families!

Here are our highlights from the Red table:

Amy liked hearing the story of ‘Moses and the Burning Bush’.

Emily-Ann really enjoyed playing in our new restaurant role-play.  The children worked hard on Monday to set up our role-play area.  The majority vote was a restaurant and again the majority voted for the name ‘Mama Mia’.  They worked in groups to design the shop sign and menu.  They decided what drinks, food and dessert would be served and how much it would cost.  We looked at examples of a menu to get ideas on layout and prices.

Reesa loved when we launched rockets that we made outside as part of our learning about Space.  Hers came 3rd place within her group.

Aaron said the best part of his week was PE where they played parachute games!

Isabella enjoyed outdoor learning.

Georgia-Rose liked learning about the artist, Van Gogh.  Mrs Devlin showed the children 12 paintings from her Van Gogh calendar.  They voted for their favourite ones to make up our classroom Van Gogh gallery.  During Choosing Time, the children were welcome to try and copy one of the paintings but next week we are going to learn how to sketch then paint the famous bedroom painting.

Mrs Devlin’s favourite part of the week was a lovely relaxing massage I received from Maya who built her own massage table today in the block play area.  Thank you Maya!  It was just what I needed.

Congratulations to Isabella  our Hot Chocolate award winner for this week and to Georgia-Rose, our Reading Champion.

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