St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2A – Weekly Update 16.6.23


What a beautiful week it has been!  As a result, we have managed to complete lots of our learning, outside in the fresh air.

At the beginning of the week the children learned about the first moon landing, they then went on to write fantastic newspaper reports about it and created brilliant pieces of art!

On Thursday, we were learning about ordinal numbers.  The children made their own paper aeroplanes and then we went outside to see how far they would fly.  We used ordinal numbers to place them from 1st to 23rd.  Riley’s aeroplane came in first place, with Laura’s a close second!

Our pupil of the week was Jack who has been exceptionally kind this week and has been trying hard with his work.

Here are a few of the children’s learning highlights:

Jack – I loved learning about the first moon landing.

Rory – I enjoyed learning about the artist Van Gogh and making a sunflower picture.

Aadya – I like making the paper aeroplanes and flying them outside.

Vivien – I enjoyed making medals for Sports Day next week.

Grace – I liked colouring the ice cream cones for maths.


We have an exciting week lined up next week with both Sports Day and Fun Day happening in the same week!  Hopefully the weather will continue to be kind to us.

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