It has been a very busy week in P4a. Miss Kelly has been teaching us about poetry and we started writing a poem about Summer. We also talked about using money and coins. Miss Kelly gave us things to sell and coins to try to buy things. Mrs Ross was the bank manager of the Bank of P4.
We are learning about bees and how they are important to us. In the woodlands we pretended to be little bees and visited paper flowers for pollen. It helped us see how the pollen moves from one plant to another. We were pollinators.
The children who have made their First Holy Communion have been practising their prayers for the Thanksgiving Mass on Sunday.
It is also very exciting because we are going on our trip on Monday.
Mrs Ross wants us to remember to wear our school jumper if we can and bring a raincoat and a hat. We also need to remember to bring a packed lunch!