St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Weekly update P5A


Dear parents,

We have had yet another fantastic week! Here are our highlights:

Article of the week: This week is Mental Health Awareness week. This aligns with Article 24 which says that healthcare for children and young people should be as good as possible, and also goes further than this by saying children and young people have the right to be both physically and mentally fulfilled. We discussed what mental health means and how we can look after our own and others’ mental health.

Literacy: We have continued to focus on our exposition writing and the quality of our writing is hugely improving. On Wednesday, we wrote about why we think everyone should have a 3 day weekend! P5A’s writing was so good that Miss Ventisei was completely persuaded to allow everyone a 3 day weekend- yay!

Numeracy: P5 particularly enjoyed data handling this week. We worked in partners to create our own survey, collect responses, transfer the data into a table and then even managed to draw our own bar chart! We have also started to work on solving some simple equations this week; we used the Numicon to help us calculate x and challenged our friends to some tricky equations!

Outdoor learning: This week we were so fortunate to have lovely weather and plenty of time outdoors! It was also Outdoor Classroom day on Thursday so to celebrate we had a full day of outdoor learning! We weeded and prepared the school gardens for planting and then also went for an orienteering session at Eliburn park which was fantastic. Lots of children said that it was their favourite day at school ever!

IDL: Recently, P5 have been talking a lot about sustainability and why we should be reducing our consumption and reusing materials before putting them into landfill. Last term, during our Christmas enterprise topic, lots of people donated some unwanted materials and we had some left over- so we decided to reuse the material and make something new! We decided to make some bunting, each with our own personalised triangle! We will join all of these up together soon and decorate our classroom with our creation.

R.E: On Thursday, it was Ascension Thursday. Throughout the week we learnt a lot about this special day and some of us went to Mass to celebrate this day on Thursday morning. We particularly enjoyed creating our very own Ascension Thursday prayer spirals to decorate our classroom with.

Thank you for yet another wonderful week P5A, have a lovely long weekend and I will see all of you on Tuesday!

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