St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5B Blog 19th May 2023


This week was Mental Health Awareness week so when we examined Children’s rights we learned that our mental health clearly links to Article 24 of the CRC also, many of the other rights that children and young people are entitled to, also contribute to good mental health. It also linked to Global Goal 3 which states that everyone should have good health and wellbeing. As part of our learning we explored the Zones of Regulations and why our emotions are effected by things going on around us. e.g. falling out with a friend because we are feeling tired, or hungry. We continued to build our understanding of clarifying words and their meanings in out writing as well as predicting what might happen next.

In math we are learning about algebra, data handling and using time to plan our day/week.

In Spanish we are continuing to use and match our knowledge of colours and clothes names to create a simple outfit. In Science we investigated our circulatory system and built two large bodies to show organs and blood vessels.

We all learned about the feast of the Ascension and some of us went to church to celebrate with holy mass. Some of us went down to Primary 6 to take part in challenges.

As always we were outdoors, weeding and tidying up the front garden beds. We went up to Eliburn Park to take part in their orienteering trail. We hope to do this again in a few weeks time.

I hope everyone has a lovely long weekend and I look forward to seeing the children again on Tuesday.

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