St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5A Weekly update 12th May 2023


Dear parents and loved ones,

Here is an overview of our week:

Literacy: We have been working hard on our exposition writing. On Monday the class decided which topic they would like to write about and decided upon:

‘All children should have time to play football during school time’.

We worked really hard on Thursday and Friday to include lots of powerful and emotive language, complex conjunctions and time sequence words to persuade our reader. We did a fantastic job!

The children also enjoyed creating another episode of their reciprocal reading podcasts.

Maths: This week we have been focusing on using mental and written division strategies to solve tricky word problems. We discussed methods such as chunking, the bus stop method and using our multiplication knowledge. We also really enjoyed a new style of numbertalks this week where we had to work out the total amount of cubes used to build a 3D structure.

We have also been working on telling the time, using an analogue clock and we are growing in confidence with this! Please remember to practice at home everyone!

Languages: This week we have been learning how to ask and say our name in French. We have also been learning how to greet each other and respond to simple phrases. We played a really fun musical game with lots of French singing to practice!

Outdoor Learning: This week we were learning about a special type of artwork called ‘land art’. We researched some famous artists who specialise in this type of art and then visited the woodland to create our very own! The children were very confident with identifying their own patterns and lines of symmetry.

Science: We have been learning about the human body this term, so this week we focused on the digestive system! We watched an interesting documentary and then worked collaboratively to research the process and involved organs a little bit deeper! We have made some fantastic infographic posters to display around the classroom.

Right of the Week: This week’s Right of the Week was article 6 which recognises that all children and young people have the right to survive and the right to develop. We worked in groups to think about everything a newborn baby needs to survive and develop and then compared this with the needs of a teenager. We found lots in common but also lots of different things too!

R.E. : We have continued to learn about Mary since it is the month of May. We have really enjoyed listening to some lovely Mary-inspired hymns and looking at some Mary icon artwork. Some of us even created our very own fantastic Mary artwork.

Thank you for another excellent week P5A!




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