St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4b weekly blog post 12.05.23


In writing this week, we started to write our adventure narratives.  We started by drawing pictures of our setting and main character(s) and then we used a planning sheet to briefly describe the plot, making sure we followed the structure of a narrative.  Then, we began to write the introduction (the opening paragraph).  We had to describe our setting (place) and our characters using lots of adjectives, non-finite clauses, expanded noun phrases and adverbial phrases.  Today, we worked with a partner.  We took it in turns to read out our paragraph, and the other person had to picture in their head what their partner described.  We drew the setting and characters that we could imagine based on their description, and then we worked together to see if we could improve that description.

In PE this week, we went outside now that it is warmer.  We were very happy about this!  We played some games using the compass directions and changing our speed.

In Spanish, we learnt about body parts and the weather.

Our highlights:

Jonah: I liked doing PE, especially the speed game and the compass game.

Jude: I liked doing the start of our narrative because I used non-finite clauses and expanded noun phrases to make my writing really, really descriptive.

Mariam: I enjoyed doing the narrative because I got to write my favourite type of story.

Feranmi: I enjoyed doing the body parts and the weather in Spanish because it was fun.

Well done to Feranmi who is our hot chocolate winner this week!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Mrs Brown


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