St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 5A weekly update: 21st April 2023


Dear families of P5A,

We have settled back into school really well and we are now so excited to be in our final term of P5!

This week we have been revising our knowledge of the grid method to multiply large numbers and focusing on building our quick times-tables recall! We have been working really hard on the 8 and 9 times table in particular and we have used the counting stick to help us with this! Kuba said his favourite part of maths this week was playing ‘grid method KABOOM!’ with his partner and testing Jacob and Max on their multiplication recall with the counting stick! Leo liked playing the Lego multiplication game too. Farrah was also really proud this week because she learnt her entire 9x table- well done Farrah! Lots of the class also mentioned loving the ‘Esti-mysteries’ which we have been attempting as part of our maths starter challenge.

During literacy this week we looked at the definition of some of our tricky WordBoost words and focused on our writing focus of Explanation. We planned our writing out carefully, considered the features of an explanation and then wrote our very own. We wrote an explanation about where potatoes come from and Miss Ventisei thinks we did a great job! Well done P5A!

On Monday we had another recap of our Zones of Regulation and wrote a plan of action which included lots of different coping skills that we might use when we are emotionally dysregulated. We have kept our plans in our trays so that we have access to them whenever we may need to.

Throughout R.E. we have been focused on the Bible. We were learning about all of the different books that make up the Bible and we explored lots of different verses and their meanings. We also selected our own meaningful Bible chapter or verse and wrote a short reflection about the special message that the verse is trying to tell us. We enjoyed thinking about our own personal values and considering which passages of the Bible mean the most to us.

On Wednesday, we started our new topic. This topic is creative and child-led so we decided to plan together our ideas for the term. We had lots of fantastic suggestions of upcycling different things, going on litter picks and many more. Miss Ventisei is using our ideas to draft a plan for the term and we are looking forward to this new challenge!

The entire class have said that their favourite part of this week was our trip to John Muir Country Park in Dunbar. It was a beautiful day and we were lucky enough to go to the beach, explore the woodland area and play in the large park! We were also lucky enough to see lots of wildlife including different birds, animal dens and alpacas! It was a fantastic day all round and most of us are all desperate to go back!

This week our Hot Chocolate Winner was Kuba! He tried so hard with his writing this week and consistently demonstrated our school values all week. Congratulations and well done Kuba!

Well done and thank you for another fantastic week P5A! Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!


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