What a great last week of term we have had!
Teacher highlights:
- Finishing our information reports about an ecosystem. Very proud of the work that was produced by everyone!
- Baking! Related to our learning in maths about weight and measurement, we made banana and cinnamon muffins.
Pupil highlights:
- Gracie – completing my information report about rainforests and marking it against the targets.
- Jude – creating the ‘maths review’ posters. We discussed what we have learned in maths and numeracy this term and displayed the learning in a poster.
- Aeryn and Sophia – creating information powerpoints and posters about a chosen topic. Ours was about a favourite animal and TV show.
Well done to Summer who was the hot chocolate winner. This was for being very helpful around the class and to others and continually being ready, safe and respectful.
Have a lovely Easter holiday everyone, I can’t wait for our term 4 learning!
Miss MacGregor