St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P1B Learning Highlights 31st March 2023


What an amazing last week of term we have had.

This week we have been revising our sounds and our common words.

For writing we designed our own Easter egg and wrote sentences to describe it.  We remembered to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.  We worked very hard at trying to use a joining word and using describing words.

In maths we worked on addition and subtraction and quick recall within 10.

This week we learned about Holy Week and the Easter Story.  We remember Jesus died on the cross and rose again on Easter Sunday.  We made colourful crosses to remind us of Jesus on the cross.

Thank you to everyone who brought in money of our ‘Wee Box’ for SCIAF.

This week we were very excited to go on our first school trip at St John Ogilvie to Mill Farm.  We had a great day and enjoyed seeing all the animals and exploring the Farm.  Our teachers were very proud of how well we behaved.

We have been very busy making Easter crafts and cards for our P7 Buddies and Families.  We made Easter selfies on Seesaw and went on an Easter Scavenger Hunt in our classroom.  We also made Easter buns.

Our learning highlights:

Mrs Russell ‘I loved all the Easter crafts you made, they were amazing’

Connor ‘I liked gym’

Martyna ‘I like doing our work’

Bradley ‘I liked the soft play at Mill Farm’

Aaron and Luca  ‘I liked ‘Jelly Belly’ at Mill Farm’

Faye ‘I liked going on our School Trip’

Cameron ‘I liked going on the trampoline at Mill Farm’

JJ ‘I liked Mill Farm’

Victoria ‘I loved Mill Farm’

Owen ‘I liked going to Mill Farm’

Khaleesi ‘I liked playing in the park at Mill Farm.


Well done to Victoria our Hot Chocolate winner this week.


We would like to thank the boys and girls of all their hard work this term and we wish you all a wonderful holiday with your family.

Happy Easter Mrs Russell and Mrs Meikle

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