St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P7a Weekly Update


Dear Parents,

Here is a quick update about this week!

First thing on Monday we did word boost spelling from into the forest book, after that we got our new reading books. In Maths we were continuing BODMAS number talks, after lunch lunch we were doing RE.

On Tuesday we started a new book called The Tunnel and Mrs Amatller came in and helped us, we did more BODMAS for math.


We did article 24 and 27 as article of the week and continued Falling Into Space art where we use our hands and feet to do art.


On Wednesday we did narrative writing, after break we did the sumdog competition, and we did art with Mrs. Lee. After lunch we we did science and we learned about types of rocks.  To end the day off we did drama scene one.

On Thursday Morning we did grammar about a piece of text called gallery in the cave, After brake we did PE we were playing basketball, after PE we did the sumdog competition, After lunch we did a quick Rocks wordsearch and then played outside for the rest of the day as a reward for coming 10th place in the West Lothian Sumdog competition.

On Friday Morning we did PE and then confirmation group. After brake we did Real Life Problem Solving called Cracking Codes. Then we got Reward Time!

Congratulations for John for winning Hot Chocolate. Congratulations to Raquyya for winning a school writing competition from book week.


Tanvi – I enjoyed Mrs Amatller coming in and also like the Sumdog treat because we got to have fun.

Bettina -I loved ‘The Tunnel’ book that we read, it taught us lots of things.

Junaid – I liked the art with Mrs Lea because it was challenging.

Lily – I enjoyed reading The Tunnel.

Nellie –  I liked practising for the show.

Have a good weekend,

Pardhu and JJ Lead Learners and P7A

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