St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 1A Learning Highlights 24th March 2023


This week we have been learning all about where our food comes from. We learned about how eggs are sorted and sent to the supermarkets. It was funny to see all the different shapes of eggs. We also learned about the lifecycle of a hen and wrote some sentences about chicks. We have been trying to use the word ‘and’ in our sentences.

In maths, we have been revising our strategies for subtraction by playing lots of games. Our favourite was Ghost Blasters. We also played Eggs to Order to help us put the numbers in order and we had to check carefully as there were some numbers missing.

We now have a Garden Centre Role Play area in the classroom and we have been working together to grow different flowers. Some people also chose to make signs and prices for the different items.

For phonics we looked at words with the ‘ou’ and ‘igh’ sounds. We can use vowel house to help us if we are not sure what sound we need. We played a spinner game and had to write the words for the pictures it landed on.

We are counting down the days until our trip to Mill Farm and we are very excited!

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Vasilisa – I enjoyed playing in the Garden Centre.

Darragh – I enjoyed playing with the blocks.

Joshua – I enjoyed playing with the letter beads.

Connor – I enjoyed doing the take away sums.

Filip – I enjoyed drawing on the whiteboards.

Miss Stebbing – I was very impressed with everyone writing the words with ‘igh’. They tried very hard to make sure they were using the correct sounds.


Congratulations to Olga who is our hot chocolate winner this week.


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