Dear Readers,
We hope you are all very well.
We would like to start by thanking you all for your efforts to come to school walking/riding scooters or cycling. We have all been trying to help our class and school to win the competition and still have a week to go so are very thankful for all your efforts so far and during the coming week as well.
This week our highlights were:
- Homophones – these words are really interesting because they sound the exact same but are spelt differently and have different meanings! We had to make sentences with them to show that we know to use each of them correctly!
- Our spelling assessment – Mrs Valente tricked us by dictating the words within sentences in a different order! Fortunately, we did very well with our scores even with all those tricks from Mrs Valente!
- The 2, 3 and 6 timestables and the strategies we have learned to always work them out, including doubling them or counting in 2s, 3s and 6s.
- Data handling – we have learned to read information from Pictograms always paying special attention to the key. We have also learned to present information in a pictogram, even when the key represents 2 and we have to use half of the pictures. We have also reviewed tally marks and have used them to collect information that was then presented both in pictograms and bar charts, which was the other kind of graph we have learned about.
- Science/Topic – we have learned many interesting things about endangered animals, including red squirrels, sea turtles, rhinos and our very favourite one, the giraffe!
We have learned so much about the giraffe! And we are going to put all of that information that we have collected into an Information Report that we will write next week!
- We have learned to take notes of the main facts we need to remember when we are writing and have them ready to write our giraffes Information Report.
- RE – we have continued the Easter story and stopped on Palm Sunday so will finish it off by next week, just before we break for the holidays!
Here are the last three Hot Chocolate winners, up to last week, since the winner of this week is still to be decided on Monday:
Many congratulations to Olivier, Aiden S and Izaan! Super well done! They were the Hot Chocolate winners of the last three weeks!
We say goodbye for now wishing you all a great weekend with your loved ones!
P3A and Mrs Valente