St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P6B – 24th March


Hello P6B families,

We have been busy this week with our learning, world water day (and taking the lead in our school’s Rights display) and of course our class trip to Dynamic Earth.

Our trip on Thursday to Dynamic Earth was fantastic and everybody had so much fun (including myself!). We explored everything from the creation of the world and all life and materials on earth. I will attach some photos at the end of this blog, but I will put them all on our Teams page over the next few days.
We also enjoyed a walk down to the Scottish Parliament and a run about in Holyrood Park. Understandably, Dynamic Earth was a big highlight for most of us, but we do have some other highlights of the week from other parts of learning this week:

– Niamh and Amelia found it very interesting exploring the importance of water and understanding the accessibility to clean and safe water across the world. This was related to our UN Rights articles 24 and 27 and linked to global goal 6. On Friday morning, we also demonstrated this accessibility through a little experiment including plastic cups, water and converting fractions into percentages to show and compare the availability of water in different continents (photos below).

– Vivien enjoyed learning about the Blooms Taxonomy Pyramid which helps us to ask and create higher order thinking questions to deepen our understanding of texts and supports reading comprehension.

– Siddharth enjoyed creating the personality artwork with Mrs Lea. This was about creating different patterns and incorporating them into some parts of our own personality.

Hot chocolate winner this week was Aditya. Aditya has been continually demonstrating active listening in class and is always ready to learn. Well done!

Have a lovely weekend everyone and see you again on Monday!

Miss MacGregor

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