St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P1B Learning Highlights 17th March 2023


Another busy week this week in P1B.

This week we have been learning the ‘ai’ and ‘oi’ sounds.  We are working very hard at blending our sounds and making words.

In topic we looked at the life cycle of a butterfly.  We linked this to our Maths and looked at symmetry and made a symmetrical butterfly using paint.  We also looked at halves of numbers and we are getting good at recalling what half of an even number is.

We drew our own butterflies and coloured them to add to our Living Things display.  We also painted trees to show the different seasons.  We discussed which was our favourite season.

Following on from learning about the life cycle of a tree we wrote sentences about trees remembering to use capital letters and full stops.

As it is Mother’s Day on Sunday for Writing this week we wrote sentences about our mum.  We worked really hard and wrote fantastic sentences about our mums.  Mrs Meikle was very impressed with our work.

We decided to change our Role Play area in to a florist.  We are making our own flowers using craft materials and starting to learn about how plants and flowers grow.

We enjoyed dressing up in the role play area and pretending we were zoo keepers, pirates and the police.


Today we helped Mrs Russell celebrate St Patrick’s Day.  We made leprechaun masks, shamrock badges and learned about the life of St Patrick.  We listened to Irish music and had a dance and Mrs Carlyle performed an Irish dance for us.

Highlights from this week:

Mrs Russell ‘I loved celebrating St Patrick’s Day with you all.  You made it very special for me’

Victoria ‘I like when it is Friday and we play the ‘Friday Song’

Martyna ‘I like doing my own learning’

Faye ‘I liked making my leprechaun’

Luca ‘I liked drawing’

Rose ‘I liked writing’

Enso ‘I liked making my shamrock badge’


Well done to Aaron our hot chocolate winner!


Thank you everyone for all your hard work this week.  Have a fantastic weekend everyone and see you on Monday.

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