St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 1A Learning Highlights 10th March 2023


This week we have taken part in our School Book Week and have completed lots of different learning tasks. Our main focus has been on a book study of The River by Tom Percival. We learned about the names of the parts of the river and labelled a diagram to show these. We then wrote super sentences about the parts of the river. In maths, we have been learning about tally marks and we used this to make a graph about our favourite season. We also learned about animals that live in and around rivers. We drew pictures of these animals to put on our display. We have been learning the ’ee’ sound this week and we wrote ‘ee’ words in a tree.

As part of our Book Week, we went up to the Woodland Library with our Buddies. It was great fun reading the books in the woodland. We also took part in a Book Champion activity and each day we read two books and voted for our favourite one.  Each day we watched the Masked Reader and tried hard to think about which member of staff it was. Some days it was very easy and some days it was more challenging!

On Wednesday, we went to visit Fr Simon at St Peter’s Church. He showed us all the different parts of the church. We were very respectful and all the staff were very proud of us. When we got back to school we drew pictures of the things we could remember seeing in the Church. We made sure we had lots of detail, even down to the drawing the glass of water Fr Simon had.

On Friday, we celebrated the Feast Day of St John Ogilvie. We listened well during Mass and we got some cake to celebrate, it was delicious!


Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Joshua – I enjoyed doing the masked reader.

Connor – I enjoyed doing the Book Challenge.

Filip – I enjoyed playing in the vets.

Olga – I enjoyed drawing the river animals.

Harald – I enjoyed doing the book challenge.

Miss Stebbing – I was very proud of everyone when we went on our visit to the Church and also during the Mass to celebrate our School Feast Day.


Congratulations to Alexander who is our hot chocolate winner this week.

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