St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2A Weekly Update – 10.3.23


Dear Families,

It has been another fantastic week in Primary 2a!

We started the week continuing to celebrate World Book Week.  The children completed lots of different activities around a book called ‘The River’ by Tom Percival.

In literacy, we identified the beginning middle and end of the story and we also looked for similes and created some similes of our own.

In Science, we learned that there are different parts of a river e.g the mouth, channel, river bank etc.  The children took turns to pour water through a model river and talk about the journey the water took along the river, from the source to the sea.

We also went on a walk and followed the journey of the stream beside our school, all the way down to Eliburn reservoir. We listened to the sounds of the stream and discussed the fact that it would eventually meet the river almond and flow to the sea.

We painted pictures of rivers, based around the work of Claude Monet.  As we were painting, we talked about the movement and the texture of the river.

In groups, we composed our own pieces of music that represented the sounds that the river makes.  Showing that is gets quieter and louder, faster and slower, as it moves across the land.

Our new topic is Livingston, the children learned about some famous people who came from Livingston.  They learned about James Young Simpson and Patrick Murray.  Ask your child to tell you what they are famous for.   Here are a few pictures of us investigating plants and rocks.

In Maths, we looked at digital and analogue time.  We matched the times that were the same on the two different types of clocks.

Some of the children handed in paper plate book characters, they were fantastic!  Don’t worry, if you haven’t done one yet, you can always hand it in next week.

Have a great weekend!

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