St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3A – WB 20.02.23


Dear Readers,

We hope you have had a good February break.😀

Although this has been a shorter week, we have still learned a lot and here are our highlights:

  • Our Word Boost Story The Highway Rat, all the work on it and our Word Boost Worksheet. The Highway Rat started being a baddie but the clever duck managed to beat him and he ended up working hard and being good, which was an excellent outcome!
  • Shrove Tuesday work, when we learned about why we have Pancake Day, when did it started and what people do, including the super fun Pancake Day races during which people run while tossing pancakes on a pan!😂😂😂😂
  • We started preparing for Ash Wednesday on Tuesday, so that we could understand well its meaning. Father Simon came for the Ash Wednesday Service and most of us got the ashes.
  • The meaning of Lent, its duration and the three things we should focus on the most during this period: Fasting, Extra prayer time and charity. We have all thought about what we had decided to give up on for Lent and most people went for chocolate. Let’s see if we can keep our Lenten Promises!😊
  • Maths learning was very exciting as well since we have learned how to build our 2 times tables from our doubles and how to make our 4 and 8 times tables by doubling the 2 and 4. We have used partitioning strategies to get to the biggest doubles as well as column addition and really enjoyed it. Some of us are still finding it a bit challenging but we are sure that with a little more practice we will get better!
  • We have started to learn about the structure of a different kind of text , the Information Report and its different parts, so that in the future we can also write our own information reports about different topics.
  • Our Lenten Art work, which was a stained glass window just like the ones we see in churches. We are still finishing them but will hopefully post them in our next blog.
  • Whole school House groups working towards the Unicef Rights Respecting Schools Gold award which are always very exciting since we get to be with pupils from P1 to P7 and absolutely love it!

And these were our highlights!😄

Also very important is the fact that our classroom became a ‘mini Hogwarts’ and we are now split into Hogwarts’ four houses: Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Gryffindor.

Just like in Hogwarts, we are the ones in charge so we can give points to our houses by demonstrating excellent effort, behaviour  and tidiness or be taken away points by not following the rules. We even got to watch a small clip about the Sorting ceremony at Hogwarts!

The weekly winning house/s members will then get a treat on a Friday!

And this week, the winning house was………… not one but two !

Hufflepuff and Slytherin!🥇🥇Super well done to them and many congratulations! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

We can even tell you that the classroom has been so neat and tidy that we could tell the cleaner we didn’t need hoovering for one day, which she very much appreciated! That showed us that team work really makes the dream work!

Because we ran out of time on Friday we couldn’t award the Hot Chocolate of the week but will do it on Monday and will post it in our next blog, so please don’t be disappointed.😊

Mrs Valente was particularly proud of some of her boys because of their effort to improve their behaviour and she has praised them many times for that! Well done and keep it up!👍😀

We are sorry that there are no pictures this week but promise to add them to our next blog.

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Valente and P3A❤


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