St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P7A Weekly Update


Dear Parents,

Here’s an update on what we’ve be doing this week in p7A.

In maths we have finished our work, for the moment, on fractions decimals and percentages and will complete an assessment on Monday to identify any final gaps to work on before high school. We completed some practical work, measuring the perimeter, area and volume of the classroom, upper area and cloakroom.

In literacy we have continued our reciprocal reading work on A Monster Calls, and we got to visit Carmondean Library on Wednesday afternoon. Joining application forms were sent home as a parent or guardian has to sign for an under 16 year old.

In RME we made Lenten promises and sealed them and will check them at the end of Lent to see how we got on. We visited St. Peter’s church on Wednesday for the Ash Wednesday service. Most of us who were taking part, managed to get our PFFA booklets handed in for the Friday deadline. Monday would be the very last chance!

We enjoyed using acrylic paints to try and paint in the style of Van Gogh and always enjoy our drama lessons.


On Friday we met in our House Groups, discussing what affects our local environment and what we can do to change it. This fits in with Article 13I have the right to find out and share information.

Our Hot Chocolate at Home Winner this week was…






Great job Adam, keep it up.

As always, have a great weekend,

Mr McGurn and P7A.


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