St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5A weekly update: 24th Feb 23


Hello everyone, we hope you all had a lovely February holiday.

Whilst we had Monday off, we have still had a super busy and exciting week!

We have been working hard on our current writing genre of information reports and this week used our knowledge of internet safety to create some posters to display around the school. We worked hard on making these attractive and easy to read, whilst also being well-organised and informative. Excellent work P5A!

This week throughout maths we have been working on addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator. We know that when we do this, only the numerator changes (never the denominator!). We have also explored mixed fractions and especially enjoyed taking part in challenges and games to consolidate our learning. We have continued to work on area and perimeter with Mrs Callaghan and we are beginning to feel really confident with this!

A class highlight this week was Shrove Tuesday! We were very grateful for Mrs Callaghan who kindly brought in some pancakes and toppings for us to enjoy! We were learning all about Mardi Gras (French for “fat Tuesday”) which is celebrated in France with pancakes, prior to Ash Wednesday. We listened to some French songs which are traditionally enjoyed and learnt how to say our favourite topping in French!

Another class highlight this week was Outdoor Learning; we were particularly excited because some signs of new life were finally visible in the woodland! We were challenged to make our very own mouse houses with an emphasis on the type of materials which would be suitable. We had to find a safe, warm and sheltered area and select natural materials that would protect the creatures. We worked collaboratively to ensure that everyone was included and enjoyed the task.

Our Hot Chocolate winner this week was Inaayah. She is a perfect example of perseverance, kindness, respect, maturity and honesty. Congratulations Inaayah!

A little reminder to all parents and families that P5 have a class assembly next Friday (3rd March) which will be John Muir focused . We will be venturing into the playground and woodland area to engage with some outdoor learning tasks and we will also be sharing some of our knowledge and experiences along the way! Like every week, we kindly ask that children and families have suitable clothing and footwear for the outdoors where possible. We look forward to welcoming everyone on Friday!




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