St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4b Weekly Blog Post 24th February 2023


It has been lovely to be back together with P4b after the February break.  We’ve had a busy week as always.

We’ve been continuing with our multiplication and division topic and have been deepening our understanding of verbs, including relating verbs (am, be, is, being).  We finished off our Scottish Landscapes topics and have started our new topic, recycling.  We had our Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday and some of us received our ashes.  Today, we really enjoyed going into our house groups and talking about our right to express our thoughts, ideas and opinions freely.


Jonah, Zac and Jude: We enjoyed PE because we played a game that was like a real basketball match.  It was a team verses another team and it was like Piggy in Middle.  It was really fun.  We also played Banana Tag and other basketball games.

Aiden: I liked starting our recycling project.  I am looking forward to this project.

Ishani S, Paige and Stefi: We liked doing music with Mrs de Luen because we played a game where we bounced a ball and then we had to do some actions like clap our hands.  I found it really easy and fun.

Matteo: I liked maths this week because we did division.  I feel ready to do this and to learn about the bus stop method.

Shelby: I liked doing Sumdog on the computers because it was fun.

Daniel: I liked listening to the music with Mrs Morrison.

Well done to Shelby, who is our Hot Chocolate winner.

Have a great weekend everyone,

Mrs Brown

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