St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2A Weekly Update – 24.2.23


Dear Families,

It was lovely to welcome the children back to school after the February break.  They have had a very busy week and have been working super hard!

On Tuesday the children were treated to some yummy pancakes to celebrate Shrove Tuesday.  They could choose from a range of spreads and some of them were very adventurous and tried them all.  The children used a knife to spread their own pancakes and chose to cut their pancakes in to either halves or quarters.

On Wednesday, we had a lovely mass in the hall for Ash Wednesday where some of the children received ashes from Father Simon.

We are very pleased to announce that following on from our job interviews, Jiade has been appointed the role of Office Assistant.  Other children will also be given the opportunity to have a turn in the coming weeks.

In Maths we have been continuing to work on fractions.  The children completed lots of activities on halves and quarters with Miss Roscilli.

This week in literacy, we wrote about baby animals.  The children produced some excellent pieces of writing.  It really has been fantastic to see how much their writing skills are developing week by week.

The children learned about Baptism today and had the opportunity to pretend to baptise a baby.  Here are a few pictures of them in action:

Our hot chocolate winner this week was Chahiti!  She has been working extremely hard and is always very kind and helpful to the other children.  Big congratulations Chahiti!

Have a great weekend!

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