St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 7A Weekly Update


Dear Parents,

Here’s what’s been going on in P7A this week in St. John Ogilvie:

In literacy we are working on a block of Narrative writing, and really enjoying the chance to be creative. There are always story starters to help us with ideas if we need them but otherwise our imaginations are allowed to run free. Some of the interesting pieces this week include:

In maths we have been working on comparing and ordering decimals, links to fractions and some addition and subtraction of decimals to 2 places. There has been more positive engagement with maths homework through Sumdog so thank you for your help with this. The children continue to enjoy using the Real Life Problem Solving App and this week had to design a park which fit in with our lesson on area.

In science we made plastic in an experiment on irreversible change – milk and vinegar mixed and then a little bit of food colouring make a biodegradable plastic.

Our art in the style of Monet had some very positive result and will make a nice display in our cloakroom area.

The children are enjoying our drama lessons and these will be good preparation for the St. Margaret’s Drama teacher visit in May as part of our ongoing transition to high school programme.

In PE on Thursday we had a visit from Destination Judo for a taster session. The children really enjoyed the experience and it sounds like quite a few of them would like to sign up – A flyer was sent home with each pupil on how to join.

We have continued our work on the PFFA and are now getting closer to the deadline. The date for submission is the 27th of February so please make sure that all booklets are in on Friday the 24th so I can check them and give those that haven’t quite got enough evidence or haven’t reflected on how the award has helped them to grow in faith some advice and the weekend to get things fixed.

Here are some pupil highlights from this week in P7A:

Tanvi said, “What I enjoyed was… The judo as I beat Zara R and I learned something. The art of Monet because it was fun as my friends were criticizing my art.”

Chiedochie said,”What I enjoyed was the science wit the milk and vinegar to make casein plastic. Our class did judo and did art in the style of Monet.”

Rhys said, “I really enjoyed doing our art work doing a field with trees and poppies.”

Nellie said, ” I enjoyed drama, we did fun games.”

Joshua said, ” This week I really enjoyed making casein plastic in science and I enjoyed doing the art in the style of Monet. Another thing I enjoyed was doing judo but I prefer the martial art I do currently.”

Millan said, “In judo I completely destroyed Monty and pinned him.”

This week’s Hot Chocolate at Home Winner is…





Well done , well deserved!

Have a great February break,

P7A and Mr McGurn.


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