This week has been another busy week.
In art, we’ve been drawing castles. We drew and coloured one castle in the style of Paul Klee, using shapes filled with bold, bright colours. We also developed our pencil sketching skills through a drawing of Edinburgh Castle. We looked at how we could use lines to show depth, light and texture and we thought carefully about which direction the lines were facing and looked for the shapes we could see in the photograph.
In literacy, we have written a narrative using Scots language. Our story is based on the adventures of Hamish McHaggis and we took our characters on an adventure to Edinburgh Castle. We really enjoyed using Scots language and we have worked hard to build our understanding on how to punctuate speech correctly to show it being said by our characters.
In numeracy, we have moved on from multiplication to division. We are applying our times table knowledge to solve problems and Mrs Brown has asked us to keep practising our times tables at home so we become even more confident with our multiplication and division skills. Mrs Brown also says please remember to go onto Sumdog to do your maths homework.
Our highlights:
Jonah: I liked doing PE because we played Piggy in the middle with basketballs.
Leah: We got to write stories about Edinburgh Castle and I enjoyed doing this. In mine, they had marshmallows and a big sleepover at the end.
Daniel M: I enjoyed making the PowerPoint about Edinburgh Castle because it was fun.
Mariam: I liked doing art with Mrs Lea because I liked using the bold colours.
Zac: I liked doing art as well because I like using the different shapes.
Well done to Dhanvi, who is our hot chocolate winner this week.
Have a very restful break everybody and I look forward to seeing you on the other side.
Mrs Brown