St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4a 10.02.23


Super work going on in P4a, we are exploring Scotland with Hamish McHaggis and will learn more about Edinburgh Castle after the break. Mrs de Luan is a singing specialist from NYCOS and she has been visiting us on Thursdays. We are doing lots of practise with our times tables and using different strategies to help us learn new ones. For writing we have been writing some fantastic Teddy Tales and are hoping to create a P4 book with the super adventures.

We have been playing ‘around the world’ with our times tables fingers. (JK) We are doing challenging times table sums. (SF) We played basketball in PE. (SK)

Our Wellbeing Wednesday monster tells us to never give up and keep trying. (MM) The monsters name is Sproot. (DM) He lives at no. 3. (JK)

We did some music with Mrs de Luan. (JR) We learned ‘ta’, ‘tete’, So and Mi. (DM)

We went on laptops and played Sumdog. (BP) We have done our 4 times tables. (AS)

Sam was out Hot Choc winner this week and Samanvi won it last week.

Bailey has been our Reading champion and Jemima will wear the medal next term.

Hope everyone has a great break and a super rest.

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