St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Week Beginning 6th February


Hello P2B families!

Here are our highlights of the week from the Blue Table:

Theo has been enjoying our Number Talks.  For the last 2 weeks, we have been focusing on estimations.  Each day, the children were shown an image of a jar full of different things and working with a partner, (last week it was whole class for modelling purposes) they estimated how many they thought the jar held.  Then I called out different clues, such as: ‘The number is smaller than 40’, then they marked off all the numbers bigger than 40 on a 100 square.  ‘The number is even,’ so they marked off all the odd numbers and so on, until we found the correct number!  The children have been improving at this skill as the 2 weeks have progressed!  I am so proud of them!  Each Number Talk lasts about 10 minutes as are out with the maths lesson.

Blair loved our weekly Word Boost corners game!  It is a big favourite among the class and a super way of revising that week’s words.  Sometimes instead of calling out the word, I call out the meaning of the word.  Blair was a winner this week when his game ended on ‘haul’.  Sofia was another winner this week also.  Well done guys!

Olivia said the best part of her week was our visit to St Peter’s Church.  She enjoyed dipping her fingers in the Baptismal Font.  I hope you enjoyed the pictures that were uploaded on Tuesday.

Evana was eager to share that the Judo Taster session during PE on Wednesday was the highlight of her week.

Amariah-Grace loved making Valentine cards today.

Mrs Devlin’s favourite part of the week was how enthusiastic the kids were when they first heard this week’s Word Boost story ‘Unfortunately’ (  The story was about the dangers a boy fell into when he was walking through a jungle.  Each time he was rescued, another danger happened!  The story ended with him in danger.  The children DEMANDED to know what happened next?  Was he rescued?  Was there a part 2?!?! We decided to make our own Part 2 in a comic book version and then, if we wanted to, we shared the story with the class on the Smartboard.  I was so impressed by ALL of the stories!

Congratulations to Evana, our Hot Chocolate award winner this week!

I hope you all have a good mid-term break and I will see you all on Tuesday 21st.

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