St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P1B Learning Highlights 10th February 2023


It has been another busy week in P1B.

This week we have looked at the sounds sh and th.  We blended sounds together to make words and we practised the letter formation for each.

We read the story Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell and we designed our own shell and wrote sentences about it.

We listened to the stories of the Widow’s Mite and The Flood and had a discussion about what the stories mean.

We learned about St Valentine this week and love.  We wrote about things we love and we made Valentine Cards and flowers.

For number this week we practised singing two songs to help us count in 2’s and 10’s we loved singing them and completing the actions.  It was so much fun.

We continued working on Doubles in number and are getting very good at recalling doubles to 10 we are now trying to recall doubles to 20.

This week we were learning about ‘Weather’ we recorded the weather forecast every day in the morning and after lunch.  We looked at the weather symbols and can recall what they mean.  In groups we used maps and weather symbols and made up our own weather reports.  We became weather reporters and explained what the weather would be like for the coming week.  We were developing our confidence in Talking and Listening and group work.  Mrs Russell was very impressed with our presentations.


JJ ‘I Liked playing in the Construction Area’

Faye ‘ I like learning about Love.

Azmeer ‘I like making things in the Construction’

Katie ‘I loved singing the counting songs’

Bradley ‘I liked learning about the weather’


Well done to Owen our Hot Chocolate winner.

We hope everyone has a great mid term break and look forward to seeing everyone on our return.

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