St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4b Weekly blog post 3rd February 2023


In Health and Wellbeing, we explored why it can be a good thing to take risks and be proactive.  We learnt about the zones of risk, which are the comfort zone, the risk zone and the panic zone.  When we are in the comfort zone, we feel safe, happy and comfortable.  When we take risks, we might achieve something and be proud of it, we might make new friends or you might have a new experience and learn from it.

In topic and technology, we researched Edinburgh Castle and started to make a PowerPoint Presentation in pairs.  Next week, we will finish these and present them to our class.

In music, we looked at notation and with NYCOS, we sung some new songs with Mrs de Luen.

In literacy, we learnt about Scots language.  Wheesht means be quiet, bonnie means beautiful/pretty and beastie means insect/animal.  We have started reading some books about Hamish McHaggis.

In maths, we have finished our work on multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100.  We are now going to be applying our understanding through multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers.


Layla, Amelia and Jonah: We enjoyed music with Mrs de Luen because she taught us the new song and we played games.

Khael: I liked learning about notation with Mrs Morrison in music.

Aiden: I loved doing PE with Mrs Lafferty and the two students.  We played tail-tag and it was fun.

Ishani S: I liked learning Scots.  My favourite word was bonnie because it is Mrs Brown’s name.

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