St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Week Beginning 23rd January


Hello P2B families!

Here are our highlights from the Red Table:

Aaron always looks forward to our Word Boost corners game to round up our learning that week.  His favourite word was “tour”.  He was telling us that he went on a tour in Spain once and learned a lot about famous places there.

Amy enjoyed our leaning in Maths about how + and – are linked.  Look out for a photograph of Karina demonstrating this to us.

Ressa said the best part of her week was our story writing.  We had been examining a Narrative called ‘Big Cat, Little Cat’ and then the children wrote their very own!  Ressa chose the title ‘Big, Dog, Little Dog’ and wrote about a dog that got sick because it ate too many Easter eggs!  It had to receive dog medicine from the vet.

Emily-Ann loved peeling carrots.  As a follow up to learning how carrots grow, we visited Morrisons and bought some.  Emily-Ann had the opportunity to scan them herself and practise being a cashier!  It was very exciting!  Mrs Devlin demonstrated how a bank card works to pay for items.  We look forward to growing our own carrots in March!  The next day, we all had a turn to peel part of a carrot and then enjoyed them with hummus.  A delicious healthy snack!

Ciara continued to enjoy our ‘Guess the Baby’ game as part of our learning about how our needs change as we grow.  We guessed Ciara straight away!

Georgia-Rose liked our walk around our local area to spot places to work.  I was so proud of how well behaved all the children were as they represented our school.  Well done everyone!  Next week we will talk about what we want to be when we grow up and what skills we would need to do that job.

Mrs Devlin’s favourite part of the week was our handwriting lesson.  The children were very enthusiastic to learn that they were starting big P3 joined up writing.  We practised forming u and n together and listed words that would require us to join these letters together: fun, gun, bun, run and sun are the words we came up with.

Congratulations to Karina, our Hot Chocolate award winner this week!

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