St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4b weekly blog 27th January 2023


Wow!  I can’t believe that we’re almost at the end of January!  The children have worked very hard this week and I have been very impressed with some of the mature discussions we have had through our God’s Loving Plan learning.

We’ve been doing lots of writing this week to complete our narratives.  The children have thought hard about the structure of their texts, organising them into an orientation, a complication and a resolution.  They have been pushing themselves to include lots of description and interesting past tense verbs.

The children have also spent time completing a diagnostic assessment on Sumdog in school this week.  It was very important that this was completed independently, as with all Sumdog sessions, because the algorithms adapt the questioning to tailor to each individual’s need.  From now on, the children’s weekly numeracy homework will be set on Sumdog.  They are also encouraged to go on to complete additional tasks and games as it will support them with their learning in school.

Our highlights from this week:

Amelia and Khael: We enjoyed going on Sumdog.

Jude: I enjoyed doing basketball in PE because we were bouncing the balls.  We played a fun game where we had to take balls off other people.

Ishani M: I enjoyed writing my narrative because it was super fun.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Mrs Brown

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