Dear Readers,
Welcome to our weekly post. We hope to find you all well and willing to enjoy the weekend.
This week our highlights were:
- Our learning about Robert Burns and how he was Scotland’s most famous poet. We have listened to the story Neeps and Tatties by Carey Morning and Anna York and have had the opportunity to discuss how many families still use many Scots words everyday. Some of the boys and girls in class have said Scots words they hear and have known for a long time. We also learned that because of Burns’ importance people celebrate all things Scottish on his anniversary, including IRN- BRU, tartan, Shortbread and haggis. To celebrate Burns we also had a cup of IRN-BRU and shortbread in the afternoon, and loved it!
- Our RE/HWB lesson following God’s Loving plan when we have learned about how God created us and our bodies because of how much he loves us and also how we should show our appreciation by looking after them the best possible way we can. We have learned the names of the different parts of our bodies and discussed how they all have their function and work in harmony for our wellbeing.
- Maths and Numeracy have been super and after exercising our mental subtraction strategies for some time, we started our column subtraction, without and with borrowing! We loved it and aced it! So good!
- Writing our new narrative following the structure of the narrative previously learned and being able to choose our own characters and setting.
- Our very much loved
Weekly Spelling Assessment for which we already have our scores.
- Our Spanish lesson on the numbers up to 20.
We would like to congratulate our Hot Chocolate of the week, Paige, for trying hard to improve her behaviour throughout the week and also for the great work she has done! Well done, Paige! Keep it up!
We also congratulate another super reader, our new Star Reader of the Fortnight, Ollie!
We hope you have enjoyed reading this and say goodbye for now.
Mrs Valente and P3A