St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 5B weekly blog 20th January 2023


This week, as part of our learning about Children’s Rights, we examined articles 7 and 8 which highlight our right to have a name, be registered and nationality so that our Government can plan ahead for our education. We recognised that we all have a unique identity which is shaped by our family, friends and where we live. Our names are special and are chosen by the people who love us most and we should use peoples names kindly. In our narrative writing we have been writing using Scots words. Most of us found this to be fun and unusual but some of us found it tricky.

Our Topic this year is focussed on exploring nature and learning more about the Internationally famous environmentalist John Muir. This week pupils were given a journal for them to draw, write, stick things into. They are already taking control of the design of their journal, inside and out. They will follow their own adventure through nature writing, sketching and taking part in practical tasks outdoors that will help them understand their own local environment.




In Science we were investigating the lifecycle of a flower and next week we will be dissecting flowers to see how the stem transports water around the plant and how the leafs soak up sunlight to create its own food source – photosynthesis.

This week in math we have been adding and subtracting using decimals to 2 digits we will be using digits to multiply and divide over the next few weeks. We have also been doing measuring activities. Using a metre tape and rulers to measure                                               our height, length of legs, arms etc. We had a lot of fun.

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