St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 2A – 20th January 2023


Dear Families,

The children have had a very busy week learning lots of new things!

Our new topic this term is ‘Jobs in the Local Community’.  On Wednesday, we went on a walk around our local area to see if we could find any local places of work and discussed who might work there.  Below are a few pictures of the places we found, maybe you could ask your child what these places are and who might work there, to see if they can remember!

In Maths we have been concentrating on subtraction from 20 and finding the difference between 2 numbers.  The children enjoyed playing a game of connect four using their subtraction skills.

In Literacy, the children were learning new sounds ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ and practising spelling words with these sounds in them.  We have also been learning about narrative writing and the different parts of a narrative text.  Next week the children will be writing their very own piece of narrative text.

On Sunday, it is the start of Chinese New Year.  The children should have arrived home with a red envelope with chocolate coins inside, this is because in China children receive a red envelope with money and sweets inside as part of the Chinese New Year celebrations.  They also made Chinese lanterns and practised using chopsticks.

Our hot chocolate winner this week was Caleb!  Caleb has been working very hard in class and her been trying really hard to be kind and helpful to others.  Big congratulations Caleb!


Here are our learning highlights this week:

Chahiti – I loved learning Spanish with Miss Roscilli. I learned how to ask others how they are.

Caleb – I liked drawing during activity time.

Tediwa – I liked meeting new friends in my new school.

Vivien – I liked going out for reading groups.

Linda – I enjoyed learning about the emergency services.

Riley – I loved going on the walk to learn about local places of work.

Rory – I loved learning about Chinese New year.

Angel – I liked building a jigsaw with Jiade.  We were a great team.


Have a great weekend!



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